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moving people from diversity and difference toward Inclusion and Belonging!

How we work with You

Executive Coaching

Coaching is a powerful support when facing a crossroads, a crisis, a transition or simply as a support to maintaining a cutting edge to your game. As a trauma informed Enneagram coach, with studies in neuroscience and trauma healing, I bring hurtfulness, compassion and care to my coaching practice.  I work with leaders to uncover the beliefs and views that unintentionally inhibit an experience of belonging.

Together we uncover threads and knots in the origin story you weave, that keeps you stuck and is sapping joy. We develop inclusive language and practices that cultivate connection, community and belonging with your teams and reportees. We use an array of tools to explore what you want to create in your life and what's getting in the way. We engage a human approach your coaching journey - accessing forgiveness, compassion and acceptance as keys to shifting your lived experience. This is a journey, not an event. 

We engage over a series of 6-12 sessions, starting with your Enneagram Assessment and navigate from there. 

Each coaching session lasts 60-90 minutes and is scheduled weekly or fortnightly, in-person or virtually.

Your journey can be supplemented with LEGO Serious Play methodology to unlock wisdom and creativity through the hand-brain connection.

Teams Cohesion:

When working together
becomes playing together 

We engage teams through LEGO® Serious Play® to understand each other’s vision and aspirations, getting beyond team building to powerful connection. We share tools and concepts that are easily implemented and allow for sharing challenges, learning and insights in safe coaching circles.

We draw on the teachings of Peter Hawkins for leading high performing teams focused on connection and shared commitment, with clear rituals practices for problem solving, appreciation, celebration and completion. 


Co-creating a culture of

Leaders who lead consciously and deliberately, understand that culture is driven from the top, and co-created by each person. They are strategic and authentic about creating the employee experience that fosters trust, safety, engagement and belonging. But that’s not an easy task. 

At WeBelong.Africa we help you and your leadership team understand and confront the currents and conversations that you’re tempted to avoid, uncovering the areas of tension, discomfort impacting reputation, profit and performance. 

We work with you to build policies, practices and internal partnerships that enhance employee loyalty, value and contribution. In a culture of connection, your people experience being seen, heard, valued and appreciated at every level.  

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